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mtoto wa kiume inabidi aandaliwe kujiamini kwa kumwambia maneno ya kumjenga, hapa Faza Maziku anaeleza kuwa maneno kama kuwa shujaa na ngome ya familia, itamfanya mtoto wa kiume kujiamini ili kuwa baba bora katika familia, Apongezwe (Reinforcement),Pale mtoto anapokuwa amefanya jambo ya kupendeza ,mzazi unashauriwa kumpongeza kwa kumuita kwa mapenzi na furaha ili kumfanya atambua kwamba kila kitu anachokifanya kina thamani mbele ya wazazi na jamii inayomzunguka.Faza maziku anasisisitiza kuwa na muda wa kuangalia nini mtoto wao anafanya ili kuweza kumpongeza  kwa kumpongeza mtoto wa kiume kutamfanye awe na kumbukumbuku nzuri kwenye maisha yake ya sasa na badae.


 mtoto kushiriki katika michezo kunamfanya awe na mwili mkakamavu, kuondoa msongo wa mawazo na kupitia michezo kutamfanye kijana wa kiume kuwa na afya nzuri ya kimwili na kiakili. Unapomuonya, Kutokana na utaalamu wa kisaikologia

Usafi, Mtoto wa kiume ili kumtayarisha aje kuwa mume mwema, Mwanasaikolojia anasisisitiza kuwa mtoto wa kiume afundishwe usafi binafsi kama kufua, kutandika kitanda, kupiga pasi na mengine kama hayo, Maziku anasititiza kwamba wazazi wanatakiwa kuwa fundisha kazi za ndani kama kufagia na kupika ili kumjengea tabia ya kujali na hivyo basi akiwa na mke wake atakuwa na sifa ya kuwa baba bora mwenye tabia ya kujali familia.

Mipango ya fedha, ili kumuandaa mtoto wa kiume ili kuwa mume mwema na bora, mzazi unashauriwa kumfundisha ni jinsi gani ya kuweza kutunza fedha ili baadae ajue kuweka akiba, Dini, mtoto wa kiume kupitia dini ya kikristo na kislamu anashauri Padri Maziku,wazazi wanatakiwa kuwa na mafunzo ya kidini ili kumuwezesha mtoto awe na hofu ya mungu ili kuweza kuacha tabia hasi kama ulevi na uzinzi,kutokana na hili mtoto wa kiume atakuwa na tabia ya uaminifu katika ndoa na kuongeza mapenzi kwa mke wake na familia nzima kwa ujumla.


Anatumia muda mwingi nje ya nyumbani kuliko kuwa na wewe:

Waswahili usema wasiwasi ndo akili,kumsaliti mtu sio kazi rahisi na inahitaji moyo mgumu kufanya hivyo, lakini pale utapoona mwenza wako anatumia muda mwingi mbali na wewe ni shida na hapo ndo inabidi uamshe ubongo.

Anachanganya maelezo:

Mwanaume ambae anakuwa na mahusiano ya zaidi ya mwanamke mmoja anakuwa anakuwa hana maelezo ya kuaminika labda awe na kumbukumbu inayoaminika lasihivyo atachanganya madesa.

Anaanza kukuhisi kuwa wewe sio muaminifu:

Wahenga wasema amjuae mchawi basi anawanga nae, pale unapomuona mwenza wako, anaanza kukuhisi unamsaliti jua kwamba anajihisi na anakusaliti.

Anaficha chanzo chake cha fedha:

 Mwanaume ambae ana mwanamke zaidi ya mmoja anakuwa na matumizi mabaya ya fedha kwasababu ya kununua zawadi na kukodi mahoteli na nk, sasa pale unapoona mume wako anaficha chanzo chake za fedha jua kwamba ana mtu ambae anatumia zaidi yako.


Russia is the largest country (covering about 12% of the land area) and one of the most multinational countries in the world-160 nationalities and representatives of all of the world 's religion coexist together in peace.
More than 250,000 foreign students from about 200 countries have chosen Russia as their destination to obtain higher education because studying in Russia is prestigious, accessible vogue, while life in Russia is interesting and versatile.


  • With its versatile culture and rich history ,Russia is one of the key players on the world stage and one of the world's great- powers
  • Russia is no stranger to innovations,being a pioneer country for many scientific achievements(eg space travel) having the Nobel Prize laureates in different categories and being the inventors of such staples of modern life as light ,bulb, television, radio, helicopter. etc

  • A sports nation to the core, Russia has the most modern facilities for practicing sports. Many sport events are being held in Russia, e.g the XX11 Olympic Games in 2014, the 2018 FIFA World Cup
  • Russia education is prestigious and renowned all over the world.Hence Russia ranks 1st on the global literacy rate list (99,6%) and take pride in its educational system, which is widely considered to be one of the best in world.
  • Russia population is acknowledged as the worlds most educated, according  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2014 report, 
Specialties offered in Russian States Universities

Medical specialties 
General medicine ,Dentistry, Pharmacy, postgraduate education in more than 100 specialties; internship,clinical, residency, PhD.
Economic specialties 
Management, economics, marketing, commerce, banking and finance,accounting, analysis and auditing and many others.
Engineering and technical specialties in the following fields
  • Computer technologies, information system and security, radio engineering, electronics,robotic, system, telecommunications and communication systems, Nanotechnologies 
  • Electrical engineering, electro technologies, electric power supply 
  • Architecture, civil and industrial engineering. project design restoration,design, water and heat supply engineering , production of building materials, units and constructions.
  • Mining, oil and gas engineering , exploration and prospecting of subterranean water, oil and gas filed and minerals.
  • Aviation, piloting,air port complex management ,Air navigation, Air craft Engines and power generating systems, air navigation maintenance 
  • Ship navigation, ship building, technical operations of ships and shipping equipment, Transport terminals
  • Agronomy, Agricultural engineering, Agriculture production and processing, forestry, ecology, Veterinary medicine.
  • Refrigeration, food technology and production, Food and nutrition, Biotechnology, Bread,Fish, Dairy production and meat production and many others.

The humanities and classic specialties 
International Relations, Laws,Journalism, PR, Advertising, political Studies, Tourism, Physical education and sport, mathematic, chemistry,biology, Psychology, Pedagogy and Psychology, linguistics, Cinema and television Direction and many others.

Head office in Russia
Russia ,Saint-Petersburg, 197022,
Karpovka river emb.,Bld.13, office 28

Accademic Tanzania

Academic Tanzania is blog which is about listing the secondary school,colleges and universities that are based in Tanzanian.It based in provides the important  information such as where the school,colleges or university located,what kind of programs they provide and the contacts to the readers.Through this it help many reader especially from Tanzania to get the important informations about the secondary school,colleges and even the university, because most of the secondary and colleges they do not have website to advertisement themselves.And this is why Academic Tanzania is created and also that is a aim of this blog.

Lucky Vicent Primary School

 Lucky Vicent Primary School, Arusha, Reg. No AR.02/7/028, Private institution with full registration,Arusha, Box 10275, Tanzania.Our school effectively offers basic primary school subjects and additional subjects including ICT (Information and Communication Technology) subjects, additional language (French) subject, all subjects (except French and Kiswahili)  are strictly taught  through English language, all communications among all within the school campus are strictly in English.

Courses Offered

Offers basic primary school subjects and additional subjects including ICT (Information and Communication Technology) subjects, additional language (French) subject, all subjects (except French and Kiswahili)  are strictly taught  through English language, all communications among all within the school campus are strictly in English.
 Lucky Vicent Primary School
Po Box 10275

Tel. +255 758 991 906
Mobile +255 784 313 402



Arusha Day Secondary School

Arusha Day Secondary School,Arusha,Reg,No.S.422, Government school with full registration,Arusha which offer Ordinary level secondary education
Courses Offered

The programmed modules /courses for Ordinary 'Level students are

    Literature in English
    Bible knowledge
    Islamic knowledge


Arusha Day
Box 2444
Tel. 255 (0)27 2507480 Arusha

Dareda School Of  Nursing
Dareda School Of  Nursing is a Private Institution Registered by National Accreditation Council for Technical Education (NACTE) with Reg. No REG/HAS/010, full registration, Manyara, Provisional with the aims of provide an environment which is conductive to learning, which is conductive to learning, where students will acquire basic nursing education, knowledge, skills, attitude, create and maintain a therapeutic environment for the patient. Plan and give appropriate nursing care according to the identified patients needs and problems. Organize own work and supervise the work of auxiliary nursing personnel and students. Utilize available resource in implementing PHC strategies.

Courses Offered
There are two academic departments namely, general nursing and midwifery. Students aspiring to become qualified nurses will have to undergo a three years general course plus one year Midwifery course

Dareda School Of
Nursing And
P.O. Box 247
Babati, Arusha

Arusha Secondary School

Arusha Secondary School,Arusha,Reg,No.S.35, Government school with full registration,Arusha which offers Ordinary level secondary education and Advanced level secondary education.
Courses Offered

The programmed modules /courses for Ordinary 'Level students are

    Literature in English
    Bible knowledge
    Islamic knowledge

Arusha Secondary School
BOX 3162
TEL. 255 (0) 27 2503649

Bagamoyo School  Nursing 
Bagamoyo School  Nursing is a local Institution Registered by National Accreditation Council for Technical Education (NACTE) with Reg. No REG/HAS/078, Pwani, Full with the aims of conduct a program   which
is established to produce registered public health nurses at a certificate level who are capable to assess clients health needs organize and render integrated quality services. The graduate is also able to evaluate service of which major focus is the community setting and occasionally the hospital environment

Courses Offered 

Bagamoyo Public
Health Nursing
P.O. Box 57
Bagamoyo , Coast


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