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Russia is the largest country (covering about 12% of the land area) and one of the most multinational countries in the world-160 nationalities and representatives of all of the world 's religion coexist together in peace.
More than 250,000 foreign students from about 200 countries have chosen Russia as their destination to obtain higher education because studying in Russia is prestigious, accessible vogue, while life in Russia is interesting and versatile.


  • With its versatile culture and rich history ,Russia is one of the key players on the world stage and one of the world's great- powers
  • Russia is no stranger to innovations,being a pioneer country for many scientific achievements(eg space travel) having the Nobel Prize laureates in different categories and being the inventors of such staples of modern life as light ,bulb, television, radio, helicopter. etc

  • A sports nation to the core, Russia has the most modern facilities for practicing sports. Many sport events are being held in Russia, e.g the XX11 Olympic Games in 2014, the 2018 FIFA World Cup
  • Russia education is prestigious and renowned all over the world.Hence Russia ranks 1st on the global literacy rate list (99,6%) and take pride in its educational system, which is widely considered to be one of the best in world.
  • Russia population is acknowledged as the worlds most educated, according  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2014 report, 
Specialties offered in Russian States Universities

Medical specialties 
General medicine ,Dentistry, Pharmacy, postgraduate education in more than 100 specialties; internship,clinical, residency, PhD.
Economic specialties 
Management, economics, marketing, commerce, banking and finance,accounting, analysis and auditing and many others.
Engineering and technical specialties in the following fields
  • Computer technologies, information system and security, radio engineering, electronics,robotic, system, telecommunications and communication systems, Nanotechnologies 
  • Electrical engineering, electro technologies, electric power supply 
  • Architecture, civil and industrial engineering. project design restoration,design, water and heat supply engineering , production of building materials, units and constructions.
  • Mining, oil and gas engineering , exploration and prospecting of subterranean water, oil and gas filed and minerals.
  • Aviation, piloting,air port complex management ,Air navigation, Air craft Engines and power generating systems, air navigation maintenance 
  • Ship navigation, ship building, technical operations of ships and shipping equipment, Transport terminals
  • Agronomy, Agricultural engineering, Agriculture production and processing, forestry, ecology, Veterinary medicine.
  • Refrigeration, food technology and production, Food and nutrition, Biotechnology, Bread,Fish, Dairy production and meat production and many others.

The humanities and classic specialties 
International Relations, Laws,Journalism, PR, Advertising, political Studies, Tourism, Physical education and sport, mathematic, chemistry,biology, Psychology, Pedagogy and Psychology, linguistics, Cinema and television Direction and many others.

Head office in Russia
Russia ,Saint-Petersburg, 197022,
Karpovka river emb.,Bld.13, office 28

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