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Wenda High School

Wenda High School is Private institutution with full registration,Mbeya,Reg,No S. 3867, Mbalizi, offering both Ordinary Certicificate Secondary School Education and Advanced Certificate Secondary School Education for girls and boys.It is boarding and day school. It was opened in April 2008 and later in June 2008.
School Vision
Wenda High School envisions preparing highly educated academically qualified and independent thinkers to work in the global world.

School Mission
In the medium term plan Wenda High School shall ensure that good learning and teaching environment is available at school to enable students develop Independent thinking, Individual talents, effective communication, working cooperatively and inspiration to achieve their highest potential.

Monduli Teachers’ College
Monduli Teachers’ College is the local institution which located in region of Arusha Tanzania, Registered by National Accreditation Council for Technical Education (NACTE) to offer teachers Certificate (Agriculture) for  two years,Teachers Diploma for Domestic Science for two years.

Courses Offered 
Teachers Certificate (Agriculture) for  two years
Teachers Diploma for Domestic Science for two years.

P.O.Box 5
Tel: 027 2538026, 2538060

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